Remote document execution

Массовая работа на дому в настоящее время ведется по всему земному шару, совершение сделок и удаленное оформление документов никогда не были более уместными. Подписание документов, требуется ли это по закону или просто для доказательства намерения быть связанным, при удаленном оформлении может быть выполнено несколькими способами. Они делятся на две основные категории – виртуальное исполнение и электронное исполнение.

Огромное значение имеет характер документа и сторон, в частности, юрисдикция их инкорпорации, применимое право в отношении документа, особенно, если оно не английское, условия места разрешения споров и предполагаемая юрисдикция принудительного исполнения. Для некоторых документов может потребоваться мокрая подпись, например, документ, относящийся к земле, который должен быть зарегистрирован в Земельной книге (как-то: документы, удостоверяющие оплату или заклад земли, передачу интереса в земле или долговое обязательство). В таком случае использование электронной подписи будет невозможно. Мокрые оригиналы могут также потребоваться для любых документов, которые используются в юрисдикциях за пределами Англии и Уэльса.

With mass home working currently underway across swaths of the globe, bringing deals to a close and executing documents remotely has never been more pertinent. Affixing a signature, whether required by law or simply to evidence intention to be bound, can be done in a number of ways. Broadly, these break down into two main categories – virtual execution and electronic execution.

Virtual execution
This involves printing the documents at home, signing them and scanning/returning by email, with the wet ink originals following by post. For simple contracts, it can be enough to simply print, sign and scan the signature page and return it on the same email as a PDF version of the contract. However, where a deed is being signed, the entire deed must be printed and signed as a physical assembled whole, which is then scanned in its entirety.

Electronic execution
Electronic execution means signing an electronic version of a documents using an electronic signature (“e-signature”). There are different types of e-signature available for use. These range from simple (e.g. using a stylus, typing the signatory’s name, clicking a box to confirm agreement) through to advanced (digital signatures using cryptography technology to identify the signatory), and finally “certified” or “qualified” signatures (so-called in England and the EU respectively). These have the same features as an advanced e-signature, but are authenticated by a third party, known as a Trust Services Provider (“TSP”). The role of the TSP is to provide a digital certificate which authenticates the identity of the signatory. Such certificate will give an e-signature an equal weight in law to that of a handwritten signature within the EU and England and Wales, and all types of e-signature are recognised by the English courts. E-signatures are known for their association with online signing platforms, but can be used in any document which exists in electronic form.

Further considerations
You will also need to consider the nature of the document (see below), the identity of the parties and their jurisdiction of incorporation, the governing law of the document if it is not English, the terms of the dispute resolution clause, and the intended jurisdiction of enforcement, if known. For certain documents, a wet ink signature may be required for registration purposes, such as documents relating to an interest in land which must be registered at the Land Registry (e.g. a charge or mortgage, a transfer of an interest in land, or a debenture). In such a case, use of an e-signature will not be possible. Wet ink originals may also be required for any documents which might be enforced in jurisdictions outside of England and Wales and so e-signatures would not be appropriate for these transactions.

Автор: Emma Giddings


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