Ukraine: National Bank expands opportunities for EBRD in Ukraine

Расширились права и возможности Европейского банка реконструкции и развития (ЕБРР) в Украине благодаря принятию Национальным банком Украины (НБУ) постановления № 224 от 12.06.2013 “О признании утратившим силу постановления Правления Национального банка Украины от 28 февраля 2009 года N 100”, вступившего в силу 25.06.2013. Это постановление вступило в силу со вступлением в силу постановления НБУ “Об утверждении Изменений к Положению об открытии и функционировании корреспондентских счетов банков – резидентов и нерезидентов в иностранной валюте и корреспондентских счетов банков-нерезидентов в гривнях” № 172 от 17.05.2013, которым внесены изменения в упомянутое Положение от 26.03.1998.

The National Bank of Ukraine (“NBU”) has expanded the opportunities available to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) in Ukraine with respect to its UAH currency operations. This decision was adopted through NBU Resolution No. 224 of 12 June 2013, amending the Order for Opening and Functioning of Correspondent Bank Accounts which was approved by NBU Resolution No. 118 of 26 March 1998.

Based on the newly adopted amendments, EBRD is able to conduct the following operations in UAH:

  1. Facility and loan operations

EBRD has the right to use its UAH accounts for loan operations in the same way as any Ukrainian bank (e.g. to receive and transfer funds in UAH (including insurance indemnity), to receive funds from the sale of pledged/mortgaged property, etc).

  1. Interbank operations

EBRD is able to receive, and pay back, interbank credits from Ukrainian authorised banks. It is also able to deposit funds in UAH into its accounts with Ukrainian authorised banks.

  1. Other operations

EBRD has the right to carry out other investment activities in Ukraine, including operations under international treaties between Ukraine and EBRD.


Daniel Bilak Victoria Kaplan and Artem Lukyanov (CMS Cameron McKenna)


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